What Is Lazy Eye And How Can It Be Treated?

Lazy eye, also known as amblyopia, affects the vision of one or both eyes. It occurs when the brain does not receive clear images from one eye and learns to ignore or suppress the input from that eye. This can result in reduced vision, poor depth perception, and eye strain. If you suspect that your child is suffering from lazy eye, an eye doctor may be able to treat it. [Read More]

Key Benefits Of Professional Eye Care Services

Your eyes are such an important sensory organ that you use on a daily basis. It's thus important that you take good care of them. Luckily, professional eye care services are available. Here are several ways they can benefit your life. Make Sure Contact Lens Prescription is Still Relevant If you already have contacts to see better throughout the day, then something you'll need to do at some point is to make sure the prescription for them is still relevant. [Read More]

Should You Book An Appointment With A Reputable Optometrist Regularly?

Most people prioritize their oral, skin, and reproductive health. Unfortunately, most people don't pay much attention to their eye health. In fact, they think of an eye checkup or book an appointment with an optometrist when their vision deteriorates or when they develop serious eye problems. It's wrong to assume you should visit an optometrist only when your eyes develop a problem. If anything, you should visit them for a routine eye checkup even if your eyesight seems good. [Read More]

When Should You See The Eye Doctor

An eye doctor can help with preventative eye care, and this means giving you routine eye exams to make sure there are no changes to your vision or no warning signs. However, an eye doctor is also someone you want to go to for so many other reasons that have to do with your eyes or that may concern your eyes in some way. Here are some of the other reasons you may want to go into the eye doctor besides for preventative eye exams:  [Read More]