how to find an optometrist for your family

Symptoms And Treatments Of Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a very serious eye disease that can affect people over 55 years of age. The condition occurs when the central portion of the retina, known as the macula, starts to deteriorate. The exact cause for the deterioration is not yet fully known and understood. If you are approaching the age of concern, you want to learn about the warning signs and symptoms of the condition so you can get in to see the optometrist right away.

The symptoms of Macular Degeneration

There may not be many symptoms of the condition at first, so you need to pay close attention for possible symptoms. These symptoms can include:

  • Changes in the perception of color. 
  • Distortion in what should be straight lines. 
  • Distortion in your central line of vision.
  • Blurriness in your central line of vision.
  • A darkness or shadowing in your central line of vision.

Note: Anytime you notice any changes in your eyesight that can't be explained, it's always a good idea to pay a visit to the optometrist so they can rule out serious problems and get you started on any necessary treatments.

Tests for Macular Degeneration

If your optometrist suspects macular degeneration there are several tests to help rule out or confirm the onset of the condition. Some of the tests include:

Indocyanine Green Angiography - An Indocyanine Green Angiography is one test used to determine whether or not you have Macular Degeneration. It consists of using a dye and infrared wavelengths to get a good look at your retina.

Optical Coherence Tomography - Optical Coherence Tomography is another test and it consists of using cross-sectional mages to view specific layers of your retina.

Visual Field Testing - Visual field testing is used to track the location of any and all lost function of your retina. Along with diagnosing macular degeneration, this test can also be used to detect other visual problems such as nerve conditions, glaucoma and others.

The sooner you see your optometrist, the better your chances will be to see positive effects from the chosen treatment your optometrist and you decide is the right one for you. Treatments will vary depending on the severity of your condition and they can include the use of specific vitamins and minerals, medications, laser treatments and surgery.

You want to make sure you keep up with your annual vision appointments and pay attention to changes in your sight. To learn, visit Malkani Retina Center
